Course Overview
Good objection handling skills are crucial to success in sales and customer care. If a salesperson is unable to come back with a good answer to the statement: I think its too expensive, they will lose the sale so quickly, that they might as well have answered I could not agree with you more! Similarly, goodwill is lost very quickly in a customer care environment if a complaint is simply ignored or inadequately dealt with. Whatever objection a customer or prospect comes up with, this course will find the best possible answer in every situation. Through a series of role-plays and exercises, these answers will soon become second nature to the delegates ensuring that they do not slip up if confronted by a difficult objection again.
This Objection Handling Skills course is available throughout the UK.
CPD Value 5.5 Hours
Course Locations
Objection Handling Skills London
Objection Handling Skills Manchester
Objection Handling Skills Nottingham
Objection Handling Skills Birmingham
Objection Handling Skills Bristol
Objection Handling Skills Edinburgh
Objection Handling Skills Leeds
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