Succession Planning Masterclass

1 Day
Nottingham 8th Aug 2024
21st Aug 2024

Course Overview

This full-day course takes delegates through the process required to develop a realistic succession plan to enable the business to deliver results consistently, even when key staff leave.
A realistic succession plan will identify who is capable of being an “emergency stand in” and how & from where the permanent replacement will be sourced.
A realistic succession plan is only one part of the jigsaw and adds value to the business if it is part of an integrated range of initiatives put in place to gain and retain talented people for the business.
This course looks at how to recruit and retain people, plus how to identify the skills and competencies required by the business now and in the future.
From knowing those who have reached their potential (solid performers), those out of their depth (underperformers) and those who are promotable now or in the future (key talent) we a can create a simple and realistic succession plan.
Delegates will be able to develop a simple succession plan based upon their knowledge of their own business (with the names changed to protect the guilty!)

Course Locations

Succession Planning Masterclass London
Succession Planning Masterclass Manchester
Succession Planning Masterclass Nottingham
Succession Planning Masterclass Birmingham
Succession Planning Masterclass Bristol
Succession Planning Masterclass Edinburgh
Succession Planning Masterclass Leeds


9:30 - 10:00   Coffee & Course Objectives
10:00 - 10:45 Introduction to succession planning – tips for success
10:45 - 11:15 Identifying  & measuring the Knowledge Skills & Behaviours linked to your company success
11:15 - 11:30 Coffee
11:30 - 12:15 Recruiting for success & succession – the criterion problem and how to solve it
12:15 - 12:45 Developing & retaining key talent
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:30 Developing a succession plan – Case study
14:45 - 15:00 Coffee
15:00 - 16:30 Developing a succession plan – based upon your own business
16:30 - 16:45 Summary & Action Plans Agreed


Excellent, really enjoyed the real life scenarios.

Dawn Hardman, H&W Chamber of Commerce

Great course. Very knowledgeable trainer with real life experiences.

Mary Stewart, CDS Global

The course was great! The size of the group was very good to share stories/experience and ideas.

Farah Portela Alonso, GCVS

Very useful. Knowledgeable trainer.

Fiona Stratford, The Law Society of Scotland

I really enjoyed the course, it was very well delivered.

Amanda Little, Low Level Waste Repository

Very well run and concise to the point - will come again!

Paul Smith, Group HR Manager, Aston Manor

Good training. Simple and to the point.

Hardeep Brayna, Victim Support


  • reduce the risk to the business and avoid leaving future supply of high performing managers to chance
  • be able to shortlist quickly for important  job vacancies and make good quality senior management appointments internally ( and externally)
  • manage change effectively through knowing  the “ stock of talent” in the organisation
  • broaden the experience of employees with potential in their early and mid-career with development activity focused on the knowledge skills and behaviours most critical to business success
  • commence the development of a succession plan linked to own organisation
In-Person Training
Live Virtual Training
Book your place on one of our scheduled courses...
8th Aug 2024
5th Sep 2024
14th Oct 2024
25th Oct 2024
Bristol (Clifton)
4th Nov 2024
18th Nov 2024
5th Dec 2024
...or create a training session that suits you using one of the options below.
Inhouse Training
1-5 delegates £1,200.00
6-10 delegates £1,650.00
Each additional £100.00
1-2-1 Executive Coaching
½ day on-site£750.00
1 day on-site£1,250.00
U-Choose Training
Per delegate£480.00
Please choose a training location
Book your place on one of our online courses...
21st Aug 2024
Full Day
25th Sep 2024
Full Day
25th Oct 2024
Full Day
25th Nov 2024
Full Day
5th Dec 2024
Full Day
...or create a training session that suits you using one of the options below.
Private Virtual Training
1-2 delegates £580.00
Each additional £80.00
1-2-1 Virtual Executive Coaching
½ day 1-2-1 virtually£600.00
1 day 1-2-1 virtually£950.00
U-Choose Virtual Training
Per delegate£280.00