
Course Category
Course Location

PTP continuously looks for the best trainers in the UK.

To give great value to our clients, we don't pay/charge travel expenses. Instead we have a wide-geographical spread of trainers with different skill sets.

At this time, we would be interested in seeing CVs for the following location and skill sets:

Scotland: Management and/  Management Finance* and/ Sales and/ Personal Development and/ Customer Care

North West/North East ie Newcastle/Leeds Manchester: Management, Management Finance*, Sales, Personal Development, Customer Care

Midlands: Management Finance*

London and South East: Management Finance*

South West: Management and/  Management Finance* and/ Sales and/ Personal Development and/ Customer Care

Management Finance * e.g be able to deliver our courses Finance for Non-Finance Managers and Interpreting Financial Statements

Please note we are inundated with cvs that don't hit the mark and we apologise now if we do not reply to all of them. In addition to the location and skill sets, we ask the following:

1.Must have several years of high quality training delivery experience:
2. Multi-sector experience is preferred.
3. Multi-company experience is preferred.
4. Must be able to deliver some of PTP's existing public courses.
5. Be able to work with small groups with different individual needs.
6. Be prepared to sit on PTP courses as a delegate.
7. Be prepared to attend sales meetings.
8. Must have a delivery style that it is highly interactive i.e. not chalk and talk.
9. Be prepared to help develop courses to clients exact needs.
10. Must be prepared to deliver 1 hour of training at the final interview.

Please state in the subject heading of your email the city/region you are located in. Failure to do so may mean your application is not seen. These are associate positions. Please email me Please do not call as we are very busy with customers on the phone.

I look forward to seeing your application.

Kind Regards

Marc Holland

Managing Director

PTP Training & Marketing Ltd