1-to-1 Executive Coaching

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What is 1-to-1 executive coaching?

1-to-1 executive coaching can be based on any of the 200 plus courses that PTP provides. We would normally cover the full course in half the duration on a 1-2-1 basis. So a full day course would become a ½ day 1-2-1 session and a 2-day course would become a 1-day 1-2-1 session. Please note for our shorter courses, we only offer a minimum of ½ a day for executive coaching.

Who does 1-to-1 executive coaching suit?

Individuals taking on a new challenge or responsibilities. Professionals who want a trusted "sounding board" and thinking partner. Executives or managers who want to enhance their leadership effectiveness to achieve organizational and career success. Executives and professionals wanting to compete successfully but still retain balance in their life. Individuals who want to understand their blind spots so that they don't stand in their own way on their path to success. Executives and Professionals who want to improve their interpersonal skills so as to be more effective with bosses, peers, subordinates, or people in general.